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Thoughts of my project

13/7/2019: CodeExtreme Thoughts

It was my first time taking part in a hackathon. It was really competitive and challenging to come up with an app for 24 hours. Even though, I have experienced in developing applications, git conflicts caused so much trouble for us. I didn't sleep during the night, giving my very best to create our solutions. The longer I type, the more drowsy I feel. After working so hard, we manage to finish it within 24 hours. During the judging criteria, we realize the other groups involves machine learning, deep learning and AI. The judges look convinced and interested in such areas. Our app doesn't involve in this area. I feel really demotivated and pressured as other groups have much more potential solutions that include cloud computing as well. I felt like giving up the presentation and demo because mine isn't extraordinary. I remind myself to think positive, even though mine isn't as impressive as theirs I am here to experience and learn as well. Experience is what keeps us motivated and going! Learning doesn't end, let's all keep exploring!!


I have learnt: Teamwork, Communication and perseverance! Keep learning and never give up!




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