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Industry Engagement Experience

I have attended several online webinar / training workshop to learn more about the industry. I would like to express my thoughts for what I have engaged in.


Shopee Code League Training Workshop

I am a participant of the Shopee Code League. It was one of the competitions that I have enjoyed so far.


I am grateful that Shopee have provided us the online workshop. I get to learn new things on Data Science. How i can apply these my data science knowledge on E-commerce platform. It has been a fruitful learning for me throughout these online session with them! I can't wait to furthur pursue my passion in Data Science.

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Building my own ChatBot

The second webinar that I have attended allows to build my own chatbot with machine learning. I get to learn about Natural Language Processing which how chat-bot works. This webinar have given me more insight of how ecommerce uses chatbot to assist online shoppers. I also get to have a hands-on to create my own chatbot! After the workshop, I went to further implement the chatbot to my own Google Home Mini! Check it out!

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