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  • Writer's pictureQuan Sheng

Getting start with a Starter Kit

This is a Starter Kit

What is inside the box?

1. Breadboard

2. LED lights

3. Button switch

4. LCD

5. Dot Matrix

6. GPIO Extension Board

7. Gas Sensor

8. Ultrasonic Sensor

9. Passive Infrared Sensor

10. Temperature and humidity Sensor

11. NFC RFID Card reader

First starting project

I am starting with a simple project by lighting up a led.

I will be making using the GPIO extension board, Led Lights, buttons, breadboard and a switch.

Before starting, i start off by understanding the circuit diagram of the breadboard.

Breadboard Diagram

What is a breadboard?

This breadboard is used to build circuits without the need of soldering. The purpose is to allow the making temporary circuits and prototyping, and require absolutely no soldering.

This is a breadboard diagram. It is laid out in a matrix of .1 inch spaced holes which there are linked.

The power rails on the breadboard on linked vertically similarly to the terminal strips but it is linked horizontally.

There is a break at the center of the breadboard such that a to e are linked and f to j are linked.

After understanding the breadboard, i connect the Pi Cobbler known as the GPIO extension board to the breadboard.

The LED lights and switch connected to the breadboard as well. I have to take note of the positive end and negative end on the LED.

Shorter side will be the negative end and longer side is the positive end.

Next step: Connecting the wires (The Wrong way)

Wrong Connection

I initially thought that the switch will stop the current from flowing through to the LED but it does not. The LED still lights up after running the code. Its also OK to make mistake and learn from it because this doesn't require any soldering so i connect the wires differently such that it is correct.

The only changes i have to make is the button where i should create another circuit for it.

Correct way to connect

This is the correct way to connect the wires, such that the button is connect to another GPIO (GPIO 13) creating another circuit.

The button is to trigger the LED to Light up. The mode for the pull_up_down is set as PUD_UP because one end of the switch is wired to ground and the other to a GPIO. The GPIO will read high normally and will read low when the switch is closed.

Whenever the push button input is pushed, it will transmit the signal to trigger the LED to light up

A successful LED light project!

Stay tuned for the next project which involves LCD screen.



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