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Sprint 4 - Update 1​


The thermal camera for the project has arrived

The long waited for thermal camera has arrived of project sentry but the model was different from what we expected. I had to solder the thermal camera to the pin that it provided, I had so much fun as it was really challenging.


The model we got is Adafruit AMG8833 8x8 Thermal Camera Sensor


The wiring up components are:


  • Connect Vin to the 3V 

  • Connect GND to the ground pin on the Cobbler

  • Connect SDA  to SDA on the Cobbler

  • Connect SCL to SCL on the Cobbler

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-18 at 4.36.08 PM.

The outcome of the wiring...


Well the temperature reading is not accurate based on the distance of a person... To fix it, I will need to get the distance of the person in order to calibrate the temperature reading.

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