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Final Sprint - the last push update​


merging the components together

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-14 at 12.22.59 AM

This mark of our final sprint of team Asteria where all components come together. The website, the gantry and the machine learning model.


Apparently there are more issues when everything come together... 


1) Raspberry Pi couldn't take a still picture. (The ml model is meant for live video instead of still image therefore accuracy and speed has drastically decreased)

2) Gantry stopped working

3) Wires and connectors malfunctioning due to too much pressure on the wires

4) Couldn't obtain latest image from MongoDB


Solved these issues within 3 days...

1) Replaced wires

2) Switch client to server and server to client (To fix the picture issue)

3) Setup a subscriber to message and reply to communicate these servers

4) Re made the gantry door as the friction is causing it to not turn

5) ML model has to be refined as well


And finally Here comes our presentation and my sleep!!!


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